Thursday, January 2, 2014

happy new year everybody !

Hi everybody!

I hope you all started the new year well and I wish you a very happy and creative year !
Who want to continue working in the group?

In the meantime I would like to get back my Alechinski book. If someone wants to continue in it I will send it then myself to that person. :-)

Hi Danica,

could you send me my Alechinsky book back to me?

Barbara Pecheur Luel
55 rue des Merisiers
B-1170 Bruxelles

thank you



barbaraluel said...

Just got my Moly back ! I am really happy now!!! Thank you very much Danica! I send you a postcard.

Does somebody want to do some Alechinski by the way?
So I send him/her my book.



Unknown said...

Im glad you got it :) And Im very sorry I didn't make an entry...I guess I've lost all motivation in participating in MollyX because all 3 of my mollies have been lost (2 of them are with Tim) :(