Monday, January 2, 2012

"Aleshinsky" book ready to go to Ella!

Hey guys,

First of all - again Happy New year to everyone!

I finally finished my contribution to Barbara's "Aleshinsky" book and now I can say that it was one of most interesting, difficult and sure the most full of symbols work for me. To explain it a bit:
- on left - something I like accordingly to announced "Choice in your life" topic (species, books, jazz - honestly was not easy to add something to Barbara's contribution, I like everything she've already drawn :));
- central part - street in Brussels under rain. There are 2 reasons for this pic: Brussels is the city where Aleshinsky lived and it's rainy here last time. I wrote also the lyrics of "Il peut pleuvoir..." ("It could be rainy") of Jacques Brel who was from Brussels as well;
- on the right - a kind of more direct dedication to Aleshinsky, jewish dance and cobra "Cobra" :)

Paintings of Aleshinsky in collaboration with Christian Dotremont gave me some tips for composition.

Barbara, I hope in general I followed your idea - at least I've tried ;)
I'm ready to send this book to Ella.

PS: almost forgot... notes on the left side ... I just hadn't enough space on the right page and draw it on the left, but it's additionally to the dance. Who wants - can try to play this small part :)


The Speckled Sink said...

I love the way the page layout contributes to the narrative of each piece. This is turning out to be one interesting book. Great job carrying the color scheme forward.

barbaraluel said...

OHG OH OOOOoooHHH this is wonderful !!!!!! What a beautiful story !!!!! I will keep all these stories to compile them at the end when I get the book back !!!!!

barbaraluel said...

OK Nat you're definitely ready to get Mucha! I bring it to you this week !

barbaraluel said...

It is very interesting how different these books are, and how these themes of artist force you to make a different kind of work !

albina said...

Nat, I am so impressed how you continued so seamlessly with this theme! Beautifully made!!!

I know I will struggle with this book -- I just feel it... better start on my research now.

Nat said...


thanks you so much! i've really tried to keep the same colors as Barbara. And it was also interesting because I had to learn something more about Aleshinsky...

e.w.walters said...

Ok, put it in the post, please. I am finishing your book, so by the time it reaches me, I will be ready to start working on it. I am looking forward to working on it, another challenege! This group is great, so many different styles!

e.w.walters said...

I agree with Albina, it is impressive how seamlessly the theme is continued. I also love that where you stopped is a great point for me to pick up. Being based in the city of Łódź in Poland gives me a lot of inspiration for the Jewish theme to develop.

barbaraluel said...

Great great great !