Friday, January 20, 2012

Discovering Shepard Fairy

I'm discovering the treasures of Shepard Fairy! Don't know yet what I will do as that is a new artist for me, apart from the Obama portrait I don't now him..............
The book looks fantastic !!!

Should I try wheat pasting?
Shepard Fairy in pencil? Or should I try mixed media and drawing ink? ............ many questions. It's a great project!!!
Hey guys, i'm a bit lost with this artist !
Ha Joey I hope I don't stress you now and you're not afraid I ruin your Moly? ;)
Nono won't ruin it. i find already some nice paper and will do something with collage I think.



Tim Clary said...

Barbara, I think the key to Fairey’s style is working in bold solid colors. He references a lot of Russian propaganda posters in his work. Check out his official site at for mor einfo.

barbaraluel said...

Thank you for the tip!
I check out his website!
I think I'll need a week or 2,3... Don't know yet :-)
Hope all is good!
I travel to NY from 4 to 12 february for my 40th birthday! I might do my entry when just I come back and let me inspire by fabulous New York !

The Speckled Sink said...

What a fun way to spend a birthday. You'll be only 90 minutes away from me! We just went into NYC to celebrate our 10th anniversary a few weeks ago. Any plans for your stay? Is this your first trip to NY?

barbaraluel said...

Hi Melissa!
No it will be my second time in NYC. Last time was 6 years ago however.
I plan a concert at Village Vanguard, and doing sketching with another Flickr member living in NYC, and of course visiting museums like Moma, Guggenheim, and walking around the city! Looking very much forward to it!

Tim Clary said...

Oh wow! I'll be in NYC from the 2nd to the 5th for a Google+ gathering! WE should get together. We'll be doing a photowalk/sketchcrawl on Saturday. All the details are here:

(Let me know if that link doesn't work for may need a Google+ account to see it)

barbaraluel said...

Sounds nice, you meeting Tim!!! But I only arrive on saturday, so I won't be able to participate... I already planned to catch up with a Julia Kay Portrait Party member in the afternoon...
Pity! Would have been fun!!!

barbaraluel said...

Google + looks great ! Maybe I open an account, but this all takes so much time!!! Flickr, blogs, Moly'x ... when do I find time to work? ;-)

Tim Clary said...

I know, it's a lot to manage...but Google+ has been BY FAR the best investment in social media I have ever made. (They just had a Hangout where 5 citizens got to talk to the President! )

Anyways, it looks like I might be there as late as Monday morning! It is still up in the air but I'll be checking my email constantly (hanging with a pack of tech nerds makes that easy ;) so I'll let you know what's up. Either way, enjoy your trip!