Thursday, October 6, 2011

Barbara's book ready to leave

So I prepared my book and it is ready to leave for BelleVue! Now I just have to find back her address... :-)
Here are pictures of the front pages and of the first 3 pages with the Alechinsky theme. I painted some memories, choices of life and some favorite moments of every day and of always, trying to figure out who I am. What are your choices of life and are you happy with them?
The central painting is on a collage with watercolor paper and the promenade marginale is with ink and watercolor on japanese paper collage.
Have fun !


Joey463 said...

Nice work. I think you captured the essence of his work and made it your own. Very nice.

Nat said...

awesome! i already started thinking how to follow :)
i almost finish my book, will be back in Brussels tomorrow, so we can meet on sunday or monday (will check with you via mail).

The Speckled Sink said...

Wow! Can't wait to see this in person. Great interpretation.

albina said...

Beautiful! It is going to be one amazing journal book!!!

Nat said...

i just got it! photo is very nice, but in orginal that's great!
i didn't yet finished my book (but almost) but i've started with this one.

barbaraluel said...

Hi Nat!
Nonon do your own book first! Don't stress !

e.w.walters said...

So much work! How long has it taken you to do all of this? It won't be long before I see your book in person :-), can't wait!